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SDA #1, Person Place Thing

This is my audio recording for my Person, Place, Thing in regards to my project. I hope you enjoy!

This project has already given me a good headache. It isn’t emotional or hard to remember, but I had to face my fear of not telling it in the right way. But refecting back on it, I think I did tell a story how I remember it. 


That’s why I gave myself full points on my storytelling ability. I can tell you the beginning, middle, and end. However, I do think I had a of filler in the beginning with most of the meat of the story being clustered near the end. 


I’m really proud of how my audio recording related to my story. I think I really needed to speak this story to deliver its effects. I told the story of a complete stranger becoming my mentor, and how in just one day I felt the benefits. I felt them enough so that I want others to have the same experience. 



I gave myself credits for my creative lens because of a few things The story is 100% true down to pretty much every detail. I would hope I got my audience’s attention with the subtle humor I tried to employ. I tried not to be basic and got into something outside my immediate comfort zone.


I also believe that my connection with an audience would be very strong. My first person POV on the recording really tries to appeal to other individuals. I talk about my insecurities and put you inside my head with all of its crazy kinks. 


I’m still waiting for my feedback from my fellow colleagues but I did get someone outside EMC to look at it already. I think when I do get some feedback, I’ll go back to it for the next SDA. Overall, this assignment was simple yet meaningful process for me. I’m very inspired by it.

Meghana Person Place Thing
00:00 / 08:56

October SDA: Poster Board

     During this month, my goals were rather unclear. I had read piles upon piles of mentoring articles and guides, so I just wanted to organize what information I had onto paper so that it can all be in one place to refer back to. There wasn't a particular question I was trying to answer or  one specific goal in mind other than to make the poster. At the end of the day, my organization could have been better. My poster is an immensely useful tool for me because I understand it, but I can see why other people might not. It isn't set up in a way that is easily read. My coordinators asked me questions that were discussed in my posters, which further goes to show how all over the place is really is, However, there were some positives from this experience. I know have all the background knowledge needed to actually begin to think about implementing a cross aged mentor program in our school, which is better than nothing. In the future, I think that I should work on being more concise and choosing a few particular goals rather than rolling everything out.

Afternoon Light

— April Interview Assignment


Interview With Sponsor-A-Scholar Program In The Capital Region

Their Website:

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